50Bubbles has been offering Dayton SEO services since 2004. Getting ranked on Google is a game that changes almost daily and keeping up with those changes is a full-time job. 50Bubbles has pioneered SEO strategies that deliver long-term sustainable search engine placement results even with all the changes that Google has implemented in their algorithms. The reason is simple - we actually deliver SEO services according to Google best practices for managing a website. The rules are simple.

  1. First, appeal to your potential customers
  2. Second, make it easy for your customers to understand what you have to offer
  3. Third: Abide by the Google rules - NOT the Google algorithms

The Perfect SEO Client For 50Bubbles

in Local SEO

Everybody wants to get on the top of Google Search Ranking. That makes for a pretty broad market but we have optimized our business SEO services for a particular niche.

A business that is the perfect client for 50Bubbles is one that has traditionally advertised in the Yellow Pages,

Goodbye Yellow Pages - We Barely Knew Ye

It wasn't that long ago when every household had a land-line. And sitting right next to the phone was a big yellow book full of phone numbers. Placement in that book was ridiculously expensive and boy did the company who published that book make a boat load of money. All they had to do was publish whatever ad you purchased and the rest of the year they just got a huge amount of money for basically doing nothing (that book was paid for in the first month).

Enter Google

Google has all but replaced the Yellow Pages as where people go who are looking for products and services. It's not that they are just looking for a phone number. No, they want more than that. With the information at their fingertips, the average smart phone user knows more about your business than some of your own employees. Oh, they'll get to the phone number but they want to make sure they're making the right call in the first place.

What is 50Bubbles role?

We team up with out clients to help the client show up on the web when prospective customers are searching for their products and services. While we see success on all of the major search engines, our goal is for visibility on Google. There are three areas where a business can show up on any given search:

  1. Google MAPS listings
  2. Google Organic listings
  3. Google Advertising (Google Adwords)

The perfect client for 50Bubbles has a need to show up in the local market when their prospective customers are looking for them on the internet. 50Bubbles refers to this as "Local SEO".
