Pinball seems lost on the younger set mostly because of the instantaneous access to handheld Nintendo’s and home video games. But to many of us pinball is nostalgic retreat. I saw pinball evolve from those old wooden machines with a few bumpers to some pretty amazing stuff. No joke, I have played pinball at least 10 thousand times. Most of that was with friends in college every day after classes. We had a pinball machine in the dorm. If you play pinball, my favorite was Black Knight, one of the best multi-ball machines to have ever existed.
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Relative to what your customer buys. If you’re the customer, you’re in the market for a particular product that satisfies a need or want. Your needs revolve around three different parameters. Time: How soon do you want it delivered? Price: What is the lowest price you can negotiate for it? Quality: How good will it be. Here’s the rub…you only get to pick two!
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You might think that you are saving money by fixing your own computers or even doing your own search engine optimization. But let's take that concept a step further into reality...
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